Quality Quantity Frequency

In 2012, I changed my eating based on some information I had from labs in addition to a health professional that I trusted.

Within months, I was getting amazing results and people were asking what was I doing.

Over the next months following, I was trying to come up simple ways to remember these wonderful healthy habits for myself and to share with others.

evaluating my new healthy habits was hard at first but then I realized it is very simple and can be applied not only in eating but also in various parts of your life.


These three areas are key to healthy habits living. The good news is that you can decide your own definition for these. I personally know the success of lifestyle changes is for the new rules and habits to be within your resources of time, money, availability.

Fast forward to now, I have very much used these three easy principals not only in food but in relationships, in work, in volunteer service, Etc.

1) So if you're feeling yucky or down about certain parts of your life, evaluate the quality of your resource whether it be food or friends or work. If you don't like it then change it. Research and evaluate and make a decision.

2) Of course the next is quantity and this can be tough. How much are you doing. Again this can be food, family, friends, work etc

3) The last part is frequency, please evaluate the frequency of your habits. Do you need to increase do you need to decrease and only you can best make those decisions and choices. Evaluate it, research it, and make a plan.

Healthy habits living is just around the corner and actually right in front of you. You are in control more than you know even if your resources are lacking. If you have very little time, if you have very little money, if you have few options of friends, employers, and family. I totally get and I've been in tight situations with all of them, and still can be. But I have made choices and empowered myself to be wise about my quality, quantity, frequency

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