Ut-oh! Gotta Change!

Hello everyone! Due to a glitch in online 'paperwork' my "coach account" of 10 years is gone. While that is SUPER sad, there is GREAT NEWS!! I invite you to join or switch to my husband's account. Go to this form : https://faq.beachbody.com/app/customer_coach_change_form Use this info: Name: Levi Davis Jr Email: sharinghisplan [at] gmail.com (type it properly, this is written this way to avoid bots grabbing it) Partner ID: 1356400 It should have you join in a day or so. Any purchase will support the nonprofit we run in Guatemala! How cool is that? Get healthy and change lives! That is changing two lives and more! Let us have a fantastic 2024! We love you! Jackie and Levi Davis PS: I love my shakes and workouts (Job1) ... so far 2024...