MAY Healthy Witness of the Month: Dr. Terry Wahls

My "Healthy Witness" for the month of MAY is Dr Terry Wahls with the The Wahls Foundation (or The Wahls Foundation Website )! I saw this video and will say "She's right." See the personal testimony of changing the types of foods she eats and a specific type to get desired results, improved her health dramatically! I am a witness to this personally and cannot say it enough to EAT RIGHT for health. Weight loss might come with it, but our goal is health, and I liked her mentioning "restores your vitality"! If you or someone you know Suffers with MS or other Chronic Illnesses, or if you want to AVOID a chronic illness... WATCH, Take Notes, and Change your eating lifestyle. - Let's Do This! Uploaded on Nov 30, 2011 Editor's note: This talk is a personal narrative and is not yet backed by larger experimentation. Dr. Terry Wahls learned how to properly fuel her body. Using the lessons she learned at the subcellula...