In the books!

Tonight is Day 3 of 3 for my 4th Annual 3 Day Spring Refresh! 

Woohoo! I made it!!! Whew! I cannot wait to see what my results are tomorrow (and the next day). My win and victory is committing to it and doing it.
This is my 4th year to do this 3 days of clean eating to erase the Spring Break/Anniversary Splurge, but this year was more than that. It was more to erase the off and on treats/splurge from Christmas to Easter! LOL 😂
No matter the numbers, my win is personal growth, mindset reset, and wise self care.
These 3 days are a huge reminder that food is fuel and not emotional fix or boredom filler or just mindless brainless habit to chomp.
Portions are also a huge lesson learned these three days. I am SO HAPPY to realize that I get full on way less especially when the food it QUALITY food.
Thanks to those who knew I was doing this and cheered me on. I have info if anyone wants it. It's good to post here to be and stay accountable and to witness my health journey and to hope to be hope for someone, if not inspiration because others before me did this and it so helped me realize that the slump I was in didn't have to be permanent or a path to stay on. Change can happen and be lasting!
Love you all and encourage you to live your days as best and as healthy as you can. Change what you can. Control what you can. Because if you really look into it, you can do both more than you realize right now!
Eager to hear your stories! Post below if you have been successful this year Since January 1, February, March or even last week... When you are ready, if you are driven and desire change, you will make the changes needed when you time comes! Sooner the better!

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