My perfect emergency
It was perfect because...
- we just flew back to USA
- our kids were at their grandparents
- we were in a hotel so we just had to leave from it
- going to ER at 5 am is great, quick
- I was able to go home the next day and recover in the hotel
These were my posts...
After an emergency appendectomy this morning, I'm doing great, thank you all for your prayers for healing.
Doctor said it was perforated aka erupted. praying i'm good in AM

Had emergency appendectomy yesterday. In my stories at the time of this post. This morning I feel great, glad my husband brought in my shakes because I'm restricted to a liquid diet in the hospital I wanted to adhere to that but I also wanted vegetables, fiber, and other healthy superfoods not artificial colors, and sugars that they served me. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for my healing, totally expecting a full healing and Recovery.