Transformation to stay Focused

I have to keep looking back to Stay Excited about where I am!
What's your transformation in the past 5 years? 

Tag me in your post on your wall/page/ig/twitter/etc! 
5 years ago to now... ðŸ‘Đ‍💞
It's NOW a joy to look back on the proof of the research I dove into (food and symptoms), the professionals I follow (functional medicine), and the plan I put into action (with the help of God and the support of my husband doing it with me) has been very real, very possible, and long lasting!
Not only have I reached my physical health goals, but I have grown leaps and bounds along the way increasing mental and emotional health through the resources God has put in my path. Many of it new and unknown, but I trusted the wisdom gained, I had peace in the process, and nothing but rewards were waiting for me, so there was no risk but not to try. There's no stopping me either.
Who Knew Living Healthier was more fun, fulfilling, and full of the coolest, real people ever? I love my tribe! God bless you all for your support too. Love you mucho - Jackie
Photo from 2011 holding our 4th child visiting friends in their kitchen.

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people sitting, child and indoor

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