Still a Work In Progress

A year ago I shared this photo...
Resharing to help me stay focused on my health goals (avoid being sick) and to never back slide (because no one is immune to it)! If I hide, it's easier to return to old ways. Lol.
Defeating the odds...
Statistically by now, I should have "back slid". Right!? 👍 Well I know so. I've lost and gained in the past and with each re-gain yeilded more than my loss. 😞 So defeating
The HUGE difference...
This time was in the goal... My goal was NOT FOR WEIGHT LOSS (that was a product of my adjustments) ... It was for health: getting rid of undesirable symptoms from PCOS, Candida, and even high bp, etc.
My Revelation...
For many years prior to 2011, I have had my own seasons of yo-yo dieting. For me it boiled down to eating. No matter what tool or tools I used to achieve my goal, I would have to “change my eating for life" to be successful long-term. Going back to old habits and cravings would mean going back to the old me!! No way!
Healthy Habits...
When I started in October 2011, I was determined that changing my eating quality, quantity, and frequency as a realistic lifestyle, once I personally defined my rules, was surely the way to go! That's it!! (You can too)!
The shocking results...
Since 2013, unexpectedly reaching a loss of 5 jean sizes, I've wonderfully kept my size! Yippee!! Support has key to long-term success in addition to changing my mindset, and defining a new me! I reached my goals of being symptom free as long as I stay in my personal eating rules, stay connected, and stay evolving.
Sharing the Victory...
Because of my experience and ongoing success, it's my daily passion to support others unconditionally. I can't do it for you but I can definitely share that I know what you're going through: the challenges, the struggles, the frustration. Encouraging you to believe you can change, heal, and it taking time just as it took you time to get where you are.
Yours to grab, postpone, or ignore...
Your journey to your goal is waiting in addition to keeping it and achieving more! What are you waiting for? Your opportunity waits for you! I'm here, message me when you're ready, serious or comment below "ready".
If you need a push, I'd like to invite you to a 5-day Food First challenge Jun 5-9. Message me or comment below "Details" for full entry details. Deadline is May 26. It's just 5 days!
I have an ongoing self care studio that's free focused on 5 Healthy Habits. Inquire about that too.
Your supporter,

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