Thursday, July 14, 2016


Girl in left photo...
😞 very tired momma of 4

😞 desired health but couldn't afford it 
😞 took care of every one else first
😞 suffered PCOS
😞 believed on "health food" myths 

Girl in right photo...
👍 energetic momma of 4
👍 she's worth what health costs
👍 she's priority then everyone else
👍 Living PCOS-Free
👍 learned facts and still learning 

Hello! I'm Jackie, your 
Nutrition and Fitness Consultant

These two photos are merely changes in ONLY FOOD and only 2 yrs apart! But a major life changing transformation happened that included a new passion to help others and their health journey! 

I'm seriously here to help support unconditionally in nutrition and fitness. Several happy clients are enjoying their new lifestyle and wardrobe!
Hugs, Jackie 

I'm hosting an open challenge group always... You're invited! 
Comment below (or message me) the words "Let's do this" to get started!!#nutrition #fitness #consultant #TBT #wip #pcos #support #free #challenge