December 1st Weigh-In

It's Monthly Weigh in day!
Now you don't *have* to weigh-in, your clothes will tell you (gain/lose)!

If you weighed, how did you do?

According to Wii Fit:
  • I lost 2 lbs! I'll take it! better than a gain.
  • I am 30 BMI, WOOHOO, only -1 more point and I'll be out of "obese' on Wii Fit! :)
  • My Wii Fit Age is -10 years than I am! Woohoo!
My Wii Fit is my best friend this morning! LOL
Now to start the YEAR off with a Weight loss!
Jan 1, here I come! HA! And to ADD Exercise in 2013!!!
It's hard to 'see' a 2lb loss here and there, but I feel it.
Yes same shirt as Oct 2012 photo on right.
- Jackie

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